Lecture Based Classes
- Class start from 9:00 AM – 15: 00
- Psychometric test will be given to all students to assess their logical reasoning and thinking performance .
- Exam will be written every Saturday
- Result will be available a week after the exam .
- Class report can be issued a week after completion of the training .
- Certificate will be provided 2 weeks after the completion of the training
- Each modules must be passed by a minimum of 50 % .
- Should you fail a module , you will be allowed to rewrite that specific module at an additional cost of R 300 Vat. incl . before rewriting management will avail your exam paper for review in order to help you understand where you went wrong .
- Should you fail the rewrite , Cornerstone will allow you to re-attend class in connection with the module you have failed and allow you to redo the exam at an additional of R 350 Vat. incl
- You should pay for your modules in advance in order to gain access to the lectures and exams.
- If a mode of payment arrangement is made , Cornerstone will require a supported letter from management to validate the agreement .
- Cornerstone does not refund any amount that has been paid for any of its training irrespective of whether payment was done in part or in full
- You may reschedule the training within 3 months of the booking date if you are unable to attend the training for whatsoever reason howsoever arising or you may transfer the booking to an individual that you appoint .